Well son we see them in TV comercial from brooklyn, JW GIRLS, WICH TAKE YOU TO THE PARADISE..
I am sure they take first price again widh that one.
did anyone (guys) catch the sports illustrated swimsuit edition?
serena looking very fine and...er...spiritual in her white bikini.
Well son we see them in TV comercial from brooklyn, JW GIRLS, WICH TAKE YOU TO THE PARADISE..
I am sure they take first price again widh that one.
i found this forum whilst perusing the panorama web site.
the link is half way down on the right:.
this was a very difficult qestion, I hade think a lot about this topic, how did I find this site, as an ongoing wittnes, I dont now, I was loking forre JW sites all over and find this, Jehovas Wittneses forum, perfekt, byt it was something how not fitt inn, what was that?
perhaps it was dark powers as take me to this place, but now it is like a poisoin, or perhaps like a drug, difficult to quite?
i was on an elder meeting 1999, when the gb come upp widh harder ruels fore dfd system and even when we can take back peopel.. they say ther that we had ben to soft, and we must think about to keep org clean, and we must also be carefull not to take back peopel to eary, they must show that they realy regret what they done.. i must ask the former elder on this board, if someone here was on that meeting, it was splitt on two days, and the second day we have this new look on dfd system.. i think this was a very bad move, when i hear this , i was sure that this going to give us problem, but when i read here it is much more problem then i was expeckting.. i is realy tragikal that the gb do this and i think it harm us very much, and ofcourse i think it was wrong, and not from jehova, perhaps satans way to destoy, putt in men like wolfs how putt hard ruels in the cong , impossibel to follow, like this , dont talk to you children if they are dfd, who can follow that .
I must say first i think this was something only in Sweden, intresting that you remember, this was the last meeting i was on, and i remeber talking widh some elder , in the break, and they say this KJ is craizy, but when I think back this was the start of something very bad, I wonder why and by who this was putt inn.
This we can not take them back to soon was almost unbelevebel,have we forget the lost son.
So if we have more former elder here , i can be intresting to read your point.
And to you M, my English, sometime i putt in what others have said, myself is very bad on this .
Hope you understand, i have a feeling trhat we in some pointhave the same expirienses, and history
widh love from HM
i was on an elder meeting 1999, when the gb come upp widh harder ruels fore dfd system and even when we can take back peopel.. they say ther that we had ben to soft, and we must think about to keep org clean, and we must also be carefull not to take back peopel to eary, they must show that they realy regret what they done.. i must ask the former elder on this board, if someone here was on that meeting, it was splitt on two days, and the second day we have this new look on dfd system.. i think this was a very bad move, when i hear this , i was sure that this going to give us problem, but when i read here it is much more problem then i was expeckting.. i is realy tragikal that the gb do this and i think it harm us very much, and ofcourse i think it was wrong, and not from jehova, perhaps satans way to destoy, putt in men like wolfs how putt hard ruels in the cong , impossibel to follow, like this , dont talk to you children if they are dfd, who can follow that .
I was on an elder meeting 1999, when the Gb come upp widh harder ruels fore dfd system and even when we can take back peopel.
They say ther that we had ben to soft, and we must think about to keep org clean, and we must also be carefull not to take back peopel to eary, they must show that they realy regret what they done.
I must ask the former elder on this board, if someone here was on that meeting, it was splitt on two days, and the second day we have this new look on dfd system.
I think this was a very bad move, when i hear this , i was sure that this going to give us problem, but when i read here it is much more problem then i was expeckting.
I is realy tragikal that the Gb do this and i think it harm us very much, and ofcourse i think it was wrong, and not from Jehova, perhaps satans way to destoy, putt in men like wolfs how putt hard ruels in the cong , impossibel to follow, like this , dont talk to you children if they are dfd, who can follow that .
the good wife guide
have dinner ready.
plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready on time for his return from work.
Can you explain what you want to say, i dont understand your point?
i have read the posts on the so called wealth of the jw organization.
where is the proof that they have all this money in the banks, somewhere.. with all the people leaving the org i can only assume that more concrete information would be available from people that have actually worked in the accounting department and would furnish this to the fbi.
where is this concrete information.
I aw the post thet show 5,6 procent in Jp morgan money market fund, it was arond 800.000m dollars.
I think this is only one post, we are so bigg now thar perhaps 10 billion $ is a minimum to have as an bufert if we have hard times, but the risk is bigg, if you use the market, and stocks, some have lost enormus like myself, esy come easy go, but it isnt fun.
i have read the posts on the so called wealth of the jw organization.
where is the proof that they have all this money in the banks, somewhere.. with all the people leaving the org i can only assume that more concrete information would be available from people that have actually worked in the accounting department and would furnish this to the fbi.
where is this concrete information.
the good wife guide
have dinner ready.
plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready on time for his return from work.
Well Blondie, now i going to be littel nasty.
I have never meet any readsocks as we say in sweden, militant laydies, if you understand, alright we have them here inn the 70 ties, they dont need men they say, perhaps they use cloning, or something like that.
I have also read all your post about WT studie, one proposal start a women GB,
I think that you must understand thet we can not have 6 milloin religions, we must have some unity.
If this was the pleasant scenario to come home too, he should be the one kissing her feet, when he got home to all of this and taking her to bed, and indulging in a little bit of " you know what
Well C i kiss my wife when i come home but not on the feet, the rest is for your imagination!!!!!
i have ask before, in this case widh w.b, why dont we have a judge, in this case, it was promised in the begining od jan, and we are soon i march.. have they no limit fore case like this, or what are they waiting on, perhapssomeone have the mail adress to the judge so we can ask what happend.
I have ask before, in this case widh W.B, why dont we have a judge, in this case, it was promised in the begining od jan, and we are soon i march.
have they no limit fore case like this, or what are they waiting on, perhapssomeone have the mail adress to the judge so we can ask what happend.
well i must say internet is a blessing fore us users, never have so much ours to report as now, i think i hade to give a tippto the gb and tell them to putt in a n artikel in km how we can increase our service if we use all new thing as teknik have blessed us widh, and russel was sure a man how understnad the importens of using new media, so internet is soon going to be the new area to preace on, i think some here must be worried , think if 100.000 of jw came inn here and start to argu widh you.
Well I must say internet is a blessing fore us users, never have so much ours to report as now, I think I hade to give a tippto the Gb and tell them to putt in a´n artikel in Km how we can increase our service if we use all new thing as teknik have blessed us widh, and russel was sure a man how understnad the importens of using new media, so internet is soon going to be the new area to preace on, i think some here must be worried , think if 100.000 of JW came inn here and start to argu widh you.